Friday, August 26, 2011

Last, First Again...

Genesis 48

Through thick and thin, God has been Jacob's shepherd all the days of his life.  It has not been an easy journey for Jacob, but as his days come to an end, he calls upon the Lord who has been his shepherd, the Angel who delivered him from all harm, to bless Joseph's boys.

And then he does something really weird - but - no so weird as the stories we have been reading have unfolded.  He puts the younger son ahead of the older.  The younger will be greater than the older.  The last shall be first.  The first shall be last.

I wonder at how often this happens in life today.  Seems I see it quite a bit.  The younger is favored over the older for no apparent reason.  But, there is a good side I see in this as well.  Often, those who are last in the eyes of the world, come to know the Lord as their Shepherd in a way that others do not.  Those who are last learn to depend on the Shepherd to comfort, and guide them in their journey through this world.

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