Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Leviticus 26

     Hmmm....  Reminds me of a conversation I had this past week regarding whom we should fear.  Young people (and old) sometimes like to act tough and run roughshod over others.
     Truth is:  God is Almighty.  If you're going to fear anyone - that would be God.  We should fear, love, and trust God above all things.  (Small Catechism - 10 Commandments)
     Truth is:  Some people just really get into trying to bully and intimidate others - they seem to enjoy causing fear in others.  Their acts of intimidation are lame.  They are not gods, even though they would try to make one of themselves.  They are simply trying to intimidate others because of their own fears and inadequacies.
     The real truth is that we should not fear things of this world.  The demons feared and fell down before Jesus.  They knew who he really was.  Jesus was crucified because the Romans and the Jewish hierarchy feared him - they feared his power and his authority. They didn't want to become worthless in the eyes of the world, themselves.  They like the power they wielded in this world.  Paul was persecuted because he was a follower of Jesus.  He was willing to take up his cross and die for "the way."  All of the disciples were persecuted because they knew the truth and spoke it.  People, even today, are being imprisoned and executed because of what they believe and who they represent does indeed cause fear in those who would persecute them and others.  They are willing to live to live and die under the sign of the cross. 
     2 things: 
          1.  Christians represent Christ.  That's why we're called Christians.
          2.  The only sign that anyone who claims to be Christian should be exhibiting to
          the world is the sign of the cross. 
     Years ago, in a small group I led, that included teen-agers of rival gangs, one of the young men told a story about a gang fight that had been instigated during a worship service.  It started inside the church.  They had each shown up representing - their colors were obvious.  Their was a lot of aggressive non-verbals (gang signing) going on and following worship there was a confrontation.  This young man was actually bragging.  Thankfully, the other members in the group called him on his disrespect to God and to the house of worship by representing anyone or thing, other than Christ.
They let him know that the only sign that belongs in a sanctuary, is that of the cross.
     This is not just true of how a Christian should conduct themselves in a church building.  We are the Church.  Christ abides in us and we in him.  And if that is true for you... why would you even consider representing anyone else in this world? You shall have no other gods.  You shall make for yourself no false idols!
     Well, here you see where I've been this week.  Worrying about God's children who have little to no comprehension who their Father is. Worrying about those who are busy representing other gods, rather than the God who created and redeems them, rather than the only One with real power.

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