Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Time to Quit Circling the Hills

Deuteronomy 2

Land promised...  Although, I've read these passages before, I had never really realized that both Esau and Lot had received promised land as well as the children of Israel.  It seems the Lord favors whom He will favor.  And... land promised extended to more people than just the Israelites.  A reminder that the promised land (the kingdom of God) is given to all whom God chooses. 

It is a refreshing break to hear in this chapter, that the Israelites aren't allowed to go in and take the land that God has given to another people.  There's a little more war and mass destruction in some of the things the Lord has commanded them to do, than I am comfortable with.  But, I also note that they cross through the land of both the Edomites (Esau's descendents) and the Ammonites (Lot's descendents) without incident.  They are granted peaceful passage.  But, when they ask for a peaceful passage of King Sihon of Heshbon, it was rejected and the Lord directs them to go ahead and take possession of this land.  They do so with force.

The Israelites at the end of their 40 year journey, begin yet another segment of their journey.  The years of learning to trust the Lord take on a new dimension.  They must trust Him that He will be with them as they take the land which He has promised.  It will include bloodshed and they will (in a different way than in their wanderings) have to face the fear of failure and even death.

Fear of failure, the fear of death, often keeps us from moving forward.  The 3rd verse in this chapter has the Lord telling Moses, "You have been skirting this hill country long enough.  Head north,..."  In other words... your days of wandering around in circles in the wilderness are over.  Tell the people to go in the direction I tell you, head north....  It is time to move forward and to take the land I have promised.

Reminder for today:  quit circling the hills and trust the Lord, following in the way He directs you and grab hold of the promise He has given you.

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