Sunday, December 4, 2011

Impress Them on Your Children

Deuteronomy 6

All three uses of the law (mirror, curb, guide) ring out in the reading this morning. The verse that really stood out for me was seven (NIV):  "Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."

We had a pizza party in the church basement.  It was not just for children.  Although, some of the things we do with our children are geared for children, we try not to segregate them from the adult membership of the congregation.  If we are a church family, then we should do things as a family.  The Youth/Family Committee feels it important that our children understand that us older people know how to laugh and have fun, as well.  We are trying to dispel the myth that being involved with "church activities" is something we do because of the "curb" in the law.  We can have fun and enjoy being with the children. 

Anyway... We at pizza and salad, decorated crismons, sang songs, and played Bible Bingo.  What struck me was the level of knowledge some of the children had regarding Bible stories.  It was truly surprising and this morning I am thanking God for those parents and grandparents who have taught their children.  I am especially thanking God for Sherrie, our Sunday School Superintendent and for the teachers who work with her to teach our children.  They teach not just the law, but all of scripture.  And, it is shows in that the children use what they learn as a guide.  We don't teach behaviors, we teach the Word of God, and that Word grabs hold and guides them in the way that they should go. 

I am praying that all of you will hear the Word that the Lord gives to you this day.  Hear Him, believe Him, and follow Him.

God's Peace be with you always.  Pr. J.

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