Monday, January 16, 2012

Joshua 15 - God Has a Plan

The distribution of land has begun.  Judah has its land - lots of it - with really strange boundaries (at least I find them confusing).  Checking out a few historical Biblical maps (they were not all the same), I couldn't quite figure out how these maps match the land as it was described in this chapter.

The land includes Jerusalem.  There is only one problem, although it's not really a problem, yet.  The Jebusites have not been driven out of Jerusalem.  The people of Judah and the Jebusites live togther in the city - peaceably it seems - at least for the time being.  We will see as we continue to read, how it actually ends up. 

And... why?  Why would God allow the Jebusites to stay in the land?  In chapter 14, he had told Joshua to go ahead and alot the land to the people, even though some of the cities hadn't been taken.  What exactly is God's plan, that He would allow this to happen?  He does have a plan, I am sure and it is a plan for the good.  Just like trying to figure out the boundaries, I just don't know what it is for sure.

We don't know exactly what God's plan is for any of us.  We can only trust that He has one and it is good.  There are times when I am up late or really early, praying for hours for someone who is in crisis.  It is times like those that I have to believe that even in times of crisis', God can and will work it all out for the good.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  (Rom 8:28 NIV)

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