Sunday, February 12, 2012

Judges 19 - Who Should Die For You?

Has such a thing ever happened?  Yes, it has before and after.  Yet, as I read the story of this certain Levite and his concubine I thought that no one can tell me that our time is more evil than the times before us.  We live in very sinful times, indeed.  And... this sort of thing may happen.  I am sure similar occurances probably happen in this world, someplace.  But, thanks be to God, I do not know anyone who would give his wife or girlfriend or concubine to save their own flesh. I don't know anyone who would give them over without a fight. 

This woman died for the Levite - not by choice - but - because she belonged to him.  It was the Levite's choice that she should take his place to save his skin. 

Thanks be to God for a Son who freely chose to die in our place. He chose not to save not His own flesh, but to save our very souls!  Thanks be to God for a Saviour, who delivers us from sin, death, and the power of the devil!  May we always follow in his footsteps willing to give of ourselves that others might live.

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