Friday, November 30, 2012

Psalm 48 - Tell It To The Next Generation

Thanks be to God for our teachers, especially those who teach our youth.  I often consider that maybe the teachers within our congregation don't get enough support from us.  I am confident though that even when we fail to support them, they have God's unfailing help and support or they wouldn't be teaching.  They, above all people within the congregation, most directly tell of God's works, His beautiful Kingdom, to the next generation. 

For a couple of years now, we have not purchased Sunday School material.  Our Sunday School staff decided that they should just teach scripture (and during Lent the catechism).  The children are hearing the stories from both the Old and New Testament.  They are hearing the stories of God's mighty works among and for His people.

The main reason for the change was that it was hard to find material that focused on God's works rather than man's works.  A lot of the material sought to teach our children how to be "moral" or "good children."  They sort of focus on doing good works.  Doing good works is not a bad thing.  It is a good thing.  But, that is not our focus.  Our children (and adults) must hear the Word of God in order for their faith to grow.  Any good works that they might do will be a product of the good news of their salvation, the good news of the kingdom, the indwelling Christ, and not the other way around.  They can not earn their salvation, they cannot win their place in God's temple, through their morality or good works.  It is by faith that they (and we) are saved and faith comes by hearing the Word.  (Rom 10:17)

Open our eyes, LORD, that we might see the mightiness of Your hand.  Help us, LORD, to be witnesses to Your power, Your works, Your beautiful Kingdom, and tell of them to the next generation.

God's Peace - Pr. J


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