Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Psalm 129 - Move Foward in Christ! Live Life!

"They have greatly oppressed me from my youth, but they have not gained the victory over me." (Psalm 129:2 NIV)

We've all met someone, maybe many someone's, who blame their very poor attitudes toward life, toward others, toward God, on the way they were raised. Granted, our environment effects the way that we live. It effects who we are or whom we present ourselves as. But, it doesn't have to. With the help of God, we can have victory over all those negative things that have entered into and seek to influence our lives; whether they happened 50 years ago or yesterday.

For those who insist on blaming their "hard luck" of today on the parents who raised them decades ago: give it up, please!  Get on with your life. Move toward a better future. Quit blaming others whom you may not have even seen in a few decades and live life today!  And... if you have a counselor or therapist who keeps you dwelling on the past, better find another one. One that will help you focus on living life today and tomorrow and all the other tomorrows. Certainly, you can remember the past. It might teach you what you shouldn't be doing for your sake and for the welfare of others. But, move on. Move forward. As that favorite hymn reminds us: "Onward Christian soldiers." Don't be going backwards. The only way to victory is with Christ, moving forward, not backward to the miry pits you've dwelt in. Christ has the victory over sin, death and the power of the devil. Receive His help. Receive His love. Know that He, not your and anyone else's past, has the victory over all that would keep you from living life to the fullest as a child of God. You have been freed in Christ! You are no longer in bondage to yesterday! Live Life!

"The blessing of the Lord be on you!" (vs 8)

God's Peace - Pr. J

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