Sunday, June 1, 2014

Luke 13:1-9 Repent; Bear Good Fruit

Luke 13:1-9 NIV
In the parable of the fig tree that refused to produce fruit, Jesus sounds a bit harsh. He says, "Cut it down!" (vs 7) But the man's whose vineyard the fig tree was living in intercedes with Jesus for the life of the fig tree. Give it another chance. Give it one more year.

It may well be time to consider and give thanks for all those people who have interceded for us throughout our lives. There have been times when we have been totally unfruitful, deserving of no more chances. Yet, we have been given what seems to be unlimited opportunities to bear fruit for the Kingdom. But, the opportunities are not quite unlimited. I officiated at another funeral yesterday. The death of a loved one is a reminder that our days are indeed numbered; a reminder that our opportunities on earth to bear fruit are indeed limited.

Repent and bear good fruit for the Kingdom of God.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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