Monday, September 22, 2014

John 21:1-14 Fishing For Men

John 21:1-14 NIV
Sometimes things that happen to us will remind us of something that happened in the past. I often run into people who I know that I know; but, their names or even how it is I have come to know them slips my mind. Then they say something or do something and it all comes back.

After he had risen from the dead, his disciples did not recognize him when he called to them from the shore. When then let down their nets on the right side of the boat and were unable to haul the catch in because it was so large; they remembered that this had happened before. It was when Jesus had first called them to follow him; when they had first met him, that they had been instructed to let down their nets. When the catch was so large that they could not haul it all in, Jesus told them that he would now teach them to fish for men. (Luke 5:1-11)  He did just that. For three years, they followed him learning all that they needed to know to fish for men and now that Jesus' work is over; with the help of God, their work of fishing for people is just beginning in earnest.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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