Monday, November 10, 2014

Acts 20:1-6 Mission Field Is Large

Acts 20:1-6 NIV
The mission field is large. It is where you are. It is all around you. It is world-wide. There was an awful lot of area for those first disciples to cover; a lot of people to reach. Paul spent his ministry trying to reach all of them with the Good News of the Kingdom. After encouraging the disciples who served with him in Ephesus, he left them and set out to encourage others with the Good News of the Kingdom.

I was in a small group not long ago when the question was asked what we should do if our attempts to share God's peace with someone are rebuffed. Here is the answer that I hear from scripture: shake the dust off of your feet; shake the dust out of your clothes (Mark 6:10-12, Acts 18:6); and thank God that for the blessing of peace that has returned to you (Matthew 10:12-14) even as you move on to share the Good News with someone who needs and will hear it. The mission field is; after all, quite large. Sharing the Good News is a win/win for those who share it. If it is received, we have gained a brother or sister. If it is not, we have the peace of God which we have tried to bless others with. Do not fear to share the Good News. Do not be afraid to be rebuffed. The Lord is with you. His peace is a blessing to you.

The mission field is large. There are still a lot of people to reach. Our mission is not something that happens just in the sanctuary of our churches where we feel safe. Our mission will take us out into the world sharing the Good News of the Kingdom in Christ Jesus and encouraging others in the faith.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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