Thursday, April 23, 2015

Hebrews 13:20-25 Equipped for God's Glory

Pr. Mark Westie's Installation at Wainola Lutheran, 2013
Front: Mark Westie (Wainola Lutheran); Carole Neitzel (Our Redeemer, Champion),
Mark Vander Tuig (LCMC Service Coordinator), Len Gilley (NALC retired),
Back: Les Niemi (ELCA retired), Peter Suomela (Bethany Lutheran, Covington),
Judy Mattson (Zion Lutheran, Skanee
and Aura Lutheran)
Hebrews 13:20-25 NIV
If God equips you with a gift; He will also call you to use that gift in service to Him and His children. If He calls you into service; He will equip you for that service.

Last night I met with twenty brothers and sisters from four LCMC congregations in the U.P.. We are all small, very rural (more like remote) congregations. We gathered over dinner and to share the stories of what God has done and is doing in our communities. I heard how God has called and is calling each one to do His will according to the gifts He has given us. I heard with joy the love these children of God have for the Lord and for one another.

I listened with humility (and pride if that is possible or permissible) to the youngest pastor present, Mark Westie, who was called by Wainola Lutheran, from among them, to be their shepherd. Wainola Lutheran is way out in the woods even further than my own congregation. Their pastor is also a full-time truck driver. He could not shepherd these sheep without a lot of help and support from members of his flock; without each of them using the gifts that God has given them to do His will; sharing their faith in Christ Jesus with others.

Also present were brothers and sisters in Christ, from Our Redeemer Lutheran, Champion. They are confidently entering into the process of discerning who shall be their next shepherd as their pastor, Carole Neitzel, has received another call. She will be missed; but, they and I are confident that they have been equipped to meet this challenge and they will continue to grow in Christ.

Brothers and sisters from Bethany Lutheran, Covington, were also with us. They will be planning our next gathering in Covington for this fall. They are a very unique congregation, which I had the privilege of serving as an interim a few years ago, until they called their present pastor, Peter Suomela. I have had the privilege of watching him (and them) grow in service to the Lord over many years. They use their gifts that they have been equipped with to serve God and the whole community as they grow in Christ.

And, then there was Zion Lutheran, Skanee, my own congregation. I have been serving here for almost seventeen years and the faithfulness and love of God of the people has never ceased to amaze me. Prior to attending seminary and being ordained, I served here as a Lay Pastor for about ten years. I cannot thank God enough for the patient and loving members of this congregation who have taught me much. They are eager to share their love of God with others. God, through all of them, helped to equip me to do His will.

There were two things that I heard last night that I will remember always. First, how much everyone present loves the Lord. Second, how much love they have for one another.

We are all small congregations in very rural and small communities. Our numbers grow slowly simply because of lack of population. But, that does not mean that we cannot grow. We grow in Christ because of the gifts that God has given each of us for doing his will. May He continue to work in all of us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. (vs 20-21)

God's Peace - Pr. J

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