Saturday, May 5, 2012

2 Kings 1 - Inquiring Of Baal-zebub

Ahaziah, son of Ahab and Jezebel, king of Israel wants to inquire of Baal-zebub if he's going to die.  Not a real smart move, especcially if you're the king of Israel!  Elijah intervenes and 2 captains and their 100 total men die because they are off to inquire of a god other than the God of Israel.  In the end, Ahaziah learns that he will indeed die, not because he fell through the lattice, but because he is inquiring of false gods.  Ahaziah did what was evil in the sight of the LORD.  He trusts in other gods before the God who delivered Israel and suffesr the consequences.  He reigns only 2 years, not even enough time to bear a son to take over the throne.

Tragedy comes along with seeking help from false gods.  On the other hand, blessings seem to flow over those who seek the LORD's guidance and follow in His Way.  Now, if someone with Elijah's reputation for being a man of God showed up and warned you, would you have enough sense to listen?

May God give us the wisdom and strength to do what is right in his sight.

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