Thursday, May 17, 2012

2 Kings 13 - Lord of Life

Well... to be honest, I am losing track of all the various kings of Israel and Judah.  I have to keep looking back to see who is who and who did or didn't do evil in the sight of the LORD.  It's beginning to seem like not all that many did what was good in his sight. 

We hear of another resurrection in this story.  Elisha, the prophet, dies. A dead man was thrown into the same grave as Elisha.  As soon as the dead man's body touches Elisha's, the dead man is revived!  A strange, strange story!  The notes in "The Lutheran Study Bible," published by Concordia Publishing House, say, "The Lord works one last miracle through Elisha, a shocking illustration that the Lord is the master of  life and the future."  

I have been singing the "Lord of the Dance" over and over and over again since yesterday.  One of the verses says:

     I danced on a Friday when the sky turned black.
     It's hard to dance with the devil on your back
     They buried my body, they thought I was gone
      But I am the life, and the dance goes on.

He is the master of life.  Death has absolutely no power over God.  Let us rejoice that He is our LORD.  We don't and won't bow down to false gods, but worship the LORD of life.  Let us follow where he will directs and leads us - eternal life in His presence.  As the refrain continues:
     Dance, dance, wherever you may be
     I am the lord of the dance, said he
     And I lead you all, wherever you may be
     And I lead you all, in the dance, said he.

Oh, how disappointing - was going to sing this song to our youth on Pentecost Sunday.  I just found out that this is our opening song!  So I will have to find another!  After all the lecturing I have done to our confirmands, I am hoping to be able to explain the joy of worshipping the one true God to our young people as they affirm their baptisms this Sunday.  Being a follower of Jesus is anything but boring! :)

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