Monday, August 4, 2014

John 6:60-71 Follower or Not?

John 6:60-71 NIV

Jesus had many followers. He had many more disciples than just the twelve. But, not all of them believed. Some thought his teachings were to difficult to keep, so they ended up leaving him.

It is not so different today. There are many who claim to be followers; disciples of Jesus. But, they follow for a time and find that his teachings are too difficult; carrying one's cross is a bit harder than anticipated; and, so they leave the church or worship sporadically in order to keep up the appearance of having genuine faith; of following Jesus. Either, you follow Jesus or you do not. Choosing when and where and how you will follow just doesn't work. There is only one way. Jesus is the Way!

The words that Jesus spoke are spirit and life. Receive them and live life in Christ!

God's Peace - Pr. J

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