We can have all the "spiritual" feelings that we want; we can follow all the traditions that are thrown at us; but, without Christ crucified, we cannot be saved. To say "I believe" does not necessarily mean that you know Christ. You say that, "You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder." (James 2:19) A lot of people say they believe. The question we should ask ourselves is not so much do we believe; but, do we know the one who died for us? Have we taken the time to get to really know the one who died for us? Or, is saying, "I believe," good enough?
Paul wrote to Timothy, "Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching." (vs 13) In the pages of the Holy Scripture you will find the knowledge of who God is. In those pages, that have been left unopened for so long, you will find a greater understanding of what God has done for you in Christ Jesus. You will not glean a closer relationship with Jesus by accepting the teaching on the History Channel or by the many self-proclaimed prophets on the television who promise you riches by sending them your riches. In order to know who this Jesus really is; in order to know Jesus, God has provided you His word. If someone says to you, Jesus said this or that; Jesus wants this or that from you; unless it is can be supported by the Holy Scriptures, do not believe it. If you want to know Jesus, who is the living Word, hear and study the word of God.
And, please, be aware: Spirituality and Christianity are not necessarily the same things!
God's Peace - Pr. J
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