Paul exhorts Timothy to "fan into flame the gift of God." We all ought to be on fire with zeal for
sharing the gospel.
I have been in many small and large groups when the conversation has turned to lamenting that the government and society are steadily taking away our religious freedom in this country. On a very rare occasion, I might be able to agree with this assessment. Most often; though, my response is more like "how can a government or society take away from us what we have already relinquished?" "It is not the state; but, the church who is responsible."
The burning desire to proclaim the gospel is rarely to be seen in society. Love and adoration of God is only a Sunday morning thing (sometimes). I hear that a root of some of our societal problems is that the Bible has been abolished in schools. Hogwash! Your children and grandchildren can bring their Bibles to school and they can read them on breaks. No one can stop those who have the burning desire to read them at lunch. At Christmas every year, I hear complaints that another nativity scene was not allowed to be placed on a courthouse lawn someplace in the United States. Yet, if I drive by the homes of those who complain, what I will find on their lawns during Advent, is Santa Claus or snowmen - no nativity scenes. I hear complaints that our public schools organize sporting events on Sundays so our children don't show up for worship. I don't get that! Christian children and parents have the right to choose what they will do on Sunday morning. They can worship if that is their priority. We can't blame others for our choices. And, usually, at least here in the U.P., it is not the public schools who are organizing these youth sporting events. The schools allow these parent/community run sporting organizations to use the gym. The parents (many whom are Christian) organize these events to include Sunday mornings. It is not the government or secular society who makes these choices.
Every Christian has the opportunity to decide what they or their children will be doing on Sunday morning. If the church is in decline, it is our own fault for not fanning into flame the gift of God within ourselves. Quit blaming the government. Quit blaming society. Proclaim the good news!
And, once I am on this subject, let me advise anyone who would bring their children to worship with us at Zion. Our main focus will not be teaching your children morality (how to behave). Unless they come to know Jesus, those good works amount to nothing. We unabashedly teach Jesus crucified, risen and ascended in order to fan into flame the gift of God. We believe that the knowledge of God's love in Christ Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit will reveal to all of our children (young and old) His will for us. The Holy Spirit will empower those who hear and believe to do His will. Faith comes by hearing the Word and we will subsequently proclaim the gospel. Good works will naturally (by the power of the Holy Spirit) follow those who know and love the Lord. We will not be ashamed to faithfully witness to His great love publically, no matter where we are or what we are doing at any given moment.
May the Lord our God grant us power, love and self-discipline so that with the fire that burns in our hearts we will witness to the good news of Jesus Christ in both word and deed.
God's Peace - Pr. J
P.S. Use it or lose it!
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