Saturday, November 14, 2015

Light Overcomes Darkness

I lost a couple of hundred dollars last night while hauling groceries into the house. It had slid out of my pocket. The yard light was burned out so I was walking around vehicles in the dark with a very tiny pocket flashlight. I could not find a "real" flashlight. After, I had finally given up on looking, I found it inside of the house where the lights were burning brightly.

After putting the groceries away, I sat down to watch the news to find more darkness. Paris had been attacked by extremists. It is being said, by some in the media, that the targets were targets that epitomized indulgence and idolatry.

Here is the difference between those who would follow Jesus and those who do not. Extremists think that everyone must think and believe and live as they do. They will stifle speech by attacking others. There is no room for discussion or debate with extremism of any kind (right or left). Extremists will bring darkness because they live in darkness; while, those who follow Jesus, who is the light unto the world, will bring light.

No, Christians do not support idolatry; but, we also understand that we will not change the world by attacking and killing everyone who does not think or act like we do. Followers of Christ do not attack others by words or actions in order to shut them down because they do not agree with us. (Many of us; however, will not just look the other way when others are being unjustly attacked.)

There are some extremists in this country, as there are around the world, who would have us live in the darkness. They would take away free-thinking, free-speech, freedom period, because what we think or say or do; because Jesus, himself, offends them. However, no matter how offensive the Good News is to some, that will not stop us from reminding people that Jesus is the true light of the world. He is the only way to be reconciled to God and to one another. Sadly, even many Christians seem to have forgotten that. The darkness can sometimes be perpetuated by some, who in the name of Christianity (not Christ), would silence those who disagree with them just as those who do not follow Jesus would silence all of Christianity.

The days can sometimes seem as dark as the night. A little light will not help us to see clearly. Darkness is overcome by the great light, who is Jesus the Christ.

"... let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven." Matt 5:16

May the light of Christ shine in you so brightly that even in the darkest of places others might find "The Way."

God's Peace - Pr. J

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