Friday, March 16, 2012

1 Samuel 28:15 - Saul and Medium of Endor

Well, I could tell from the heading of this chapter that Saul was going to be in trouble.

He's already in trouble for the LORD will not talk speak to him either by prophets or dreams. But, I guess it's not enough for Saul. In spite of the fact that God forbids bringing people back from the dead in order to consult with them, Saul goes to a medium who raises up Samuel up from the dead for him. Course then again, we cannot be sure if the spirit that was raised was actually Samuel or another spirit as it does not sound like Saul actually saw Samuel, rather the medium gave him a description of what she said she saw. (vs. 13-14) Saul for some reason thinks Samuel might give him a message from God. Samuel does not. Saul received only a repeat of the last words that Samuel said to him before he died with the additional warning that tomorrow he and his sons will be with Saul. Simply put - they will die.

Conjuring up spirits that may or may not be dead relatives or friends is forbidden by God and will bring you nothing but trouble. Please, stay away from fortune tellers and mediums, for your own sake. If you need answers to the direction you should go: study His word, and listen to the Word. You will find all you need in Him. Don't be like Saul, adding one misstep upon the other.

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