Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Psalm 17 - Vindication

David pleas for the LORD to vindicate him; to confront them. David has planned no evil for them. He has not spoken evil by verbally attacking them. He places his vindication; even his vengeance, in God's hands.

For most of us, that is much easier said than done. When we are being persecuted or bullied, as we would say in the language of today, it is very difficult not to attack back. But, I'm thinking that it would be better not to open our lips and attack bullies back; not to plan an all out assault on them. Do we really want to waste our days arguing and fighting? Do we really want to fall into a trap becoming like those who persecute us?

David writes: "Though people tried to bribe me, I have kept myself from the ways of the violent through what your lips have commanded. My steps have held to your paths; my feet have not stumbled." (vs 4-5 NIV) Sometimes, the best course of action when we are being bullied is just to step back - ignore them - let God's will be done. Allow the LORD to vindicate you.

On occasions, when my granddaughter has gotten herself involved in "spitting matches" with others her age, I have advised her to have nothing to do with them. Back off and let God take care of it. Quit "spitting" back. God knows what He's doing, she doesn't. He knows what is really going on, while her vision is limited. Nothing she can do can match the way God can save and vindicate her. I also, usually, have to remind her that this is not "karma." It is the work of God protecting and keeping His children.

May God keep you in His peace - Pr. J

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