Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Judges 21- Wives and Valentines

In those days Israel did as they saw fit... That`s for sure! Let's get this straight.
 1.  A Levite gives his concubine to be raped in his place.  She dies.
 2.  The Levite cuts her into pieces and sends her pieces to all the tribes, inciting war with the Benjamenites.
 3.  Thousands upon thousands die.
 4.  The Benjamenites have to have women.  For some reason there are lots of men left alive - but - not enought  to wives.
  5.  Since the rest of Israel won't let them marry their daughters, they plan a way for them to destroy more people lives and steal themselves some wives.  Sounds almost like we're back at number 1!

In spite of the fact that the tribes of Israel sometimes killed each other, they were sure concerned about keeping all of the tribes alive and  propagating no matter what.

It is Valentine's Day here in America. Now, I live in enough reality to know that not all relationships are as wonderfully perfect as I'd like them to be. But, I would hope that we could all treat our spouses with just a little more respect than we might normally do - treat them with genuine caring. Thank the LORD that relationships today have the possibility of being more than husband and property. Today, relationships can be so much more than they were for the people of early Israel. We pray that they will be for all our sons and daughters.

P.S. Have to apologize for errors and overall rush this morning. On my eepad this morning and still not use to it! With my husband of 40 years (Happy Valentine's Day) and granddaughter in Tecumseh, MI. Will be home today so will be back on my home computer tomorrow.

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