Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Ecclesiastes 11 - Enjoy The Work of Your Hands

Diversify? Interesting chapter today... Solomon, a king who grew to be quite wealthy, gives us advise on how to make money. He suggests we not "put all of our eggs in one basket." Invest in various ventures and be open to exporting your goods. He also suggests that entrepreneurs might need to pursue more avenues than one: "Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let your hands not be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well." (Eccl 11:6 NIV)

All in all, pretty good advise, if you are motivated enough to listen and actually follow through. It will take a bit of a sacrifice to work both day and night at various ventures to be successful in the things you desire. Solomon also warns that for the young who spend their lives in enjoyment there will be consequences. There will be many days of darkness for those who spend their youthful days in pursuing only pleasure.

There have been some amazing advancements in science and technology by young people who have begun very young to pursue their avenues of interest. Actually, there have been advancements in all areas of our lives because of young people who have decided to spend their days and nights with their noses to the grindstone. We will all have to work. As I remind our young people, if you also want to enjoy life, seek a career that you will be happy in for most of your life will be spent working at something. Enjoy the work of your hands. Use the gifts that God has given you. Whether it is in the field of science, technology, health care, the arts, a service industry or production; no matter what you are called to do, it is best to put your heart in to it and learn to enjoy it. Do it well so that God might be glorified!

I have enjoyed all of the positions, I have ever held. One of the most enjoyable was as a landscape contractor. It was a small business in a very small community. But, I grew enough, fast enough to have two part time employees.  Basically, I contracted with local and state government agencies as well as individuals to maintain parks, cemeteries and other lawns. In the winter, I plowed snow. Since I am not afraid of solitude and actually enjoy, it was enjoyable for me. There is lots of time to be alone with and pray to God while you're mowing or weed eating. I enjoyed this career very much and I actually made some money at it. I closed it, when I was called as a missionary to the Keweenaw by the ELCA. A lot has happened since then. I have been open to knew and diverse opportunities. One of the things that gives me joy is to see our young people grow up and pursue avenues of their own interests and being successful at it - no matter what it is they choose to do. It always brings joy to my heart when I see a young man that I confirmed a few years ago, or one of his employees, busy working in the community on their lawnmowers. I am very proud of him and hope that he enjoys that calling as much as I did when I worked in lawn care. He doesn't need my endorsement. But, I'm going to give it anyway.... If you need a lawn care worker call CD Lawn Care (Chad Dompier) from Pelkie.

We all have to work to eat... and even to have money to enjoy life. But, when considering your future, think about what you enjoy doing, what gives you pleasure and those things that you are actually interested in and pursue a career in that. If it's really money that you think will give you the greatest pleasure, you probably should think again. You will have to work most of the days of your life, so learn to enjoy it or you're going to end up spending most of your time in misery.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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