Friday, June 12, 2015

Rev 8:6-12 First Four Trumpets

Rev 8:6-12 NIV
As the angels sounded the first four of the seven trumpets there came destruction to a third of the
land, water, and sky. There are many theories as to how this could occur. God could directly bring destruction. It could come in the way of a meteor or some other such catastrophe. The destruction might also could come through the work of man or rather the lack of the conscientious work of man by not caring for our natural God-given resources and continual polluting of the air, land, and water.

There are many theories. The reality is; though, that we have not done a real good job caring for those things that God made us stewards of. We have not taken real good care of those things that we and future generations need to survive.

May God help us to better care for all things He has created.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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