Monday, June 1, 2015

Revelation 2:18-29 No Compromising With Jezebels

Revelation 2:18-29 NIV
The congregation I serve is very welcoming. They truly love each other and our visitors. As the people are sharing the peace, I could almost take a nap some Sundays as everyone has to share the peace with everyone and it does take a bit of time. They have been very faithful and are doing much more than even a decade ago. They have grown both in faith and numbers because of their involvement in loving service to God and the whole community.

Jesus commends the church in Thyatira for their love and faith; their service and perseverance; and that they are doing more than they had previously done. Yet, he warns those who tolerate the woman prophet, Jezebel. He warns them that if they do not repent of their immorality and quit following her ways that they will suffer intensely.

He will, he says, repay each of us according to our deeds. (vs 23)

Now, I hear quite often that we are not suppose to "judge" anyone because we are Christians. This is usually intended to mean that we should keep our mouths shut and not condemn sin even within the church. But, this message from Jesus commending some and condemning others in the church at Thyatira; how do you suppose such a message was delivered to them if not by one of Jesus' followers? We are not the judges that is most certainly true. But, we must discern between right and wrong; faithfulness and sin. The church must not compromise God's word or will for the sake of keeping the "peace." Sin must be confronted.

Although, the world around us might strive for peace by compromising God's word and will; may God help his church to grow through faithfulness to Him.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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