Sunday, August 28, 2011

Plan For Good

Genesis 50

With the death of Jacob and Joseph we come to the end of the beginnings.  Abraham, Isaac and Jacob have been firmly established as the fathers of Israel, as heirs of the promised land.

So much grieving was never seen.  Jacob, the shepherd, is mourned by not only his family, but all of Egypt.  He is carried back to Canaan to be buried.  Once buried, his sons, the sons who had sold Joseph to the Egyptians, realize that they could be in a bit of trouble with Joseph now that their father is dead and so they lie to Joseph trying to insure his forgiveness.  They seem to forget that he has already forgiven them.  Just as we often forget that our Father, through our brother, Jesus Christ, has already forgiven us.  Sometimes it is difficult for us to move on in our lives, not because we have not been forgiven by our Father, but because we have not forgiven ourselves and it is hard to believe that the one we have offended has forgiven us.  Believe it! 

Joseph tells his anxious brothers what I think sums up the book of Genesis well, "Do not be afraid!  Am I in the place of God?  Even though you intended to do harm to me, God intended it for good, in order to preserve a numerous people, as he is doing today."  As we encounter wilderness journeys; as we encounter low valleys in our lives, and experience much pain and sorrow we can know that God is with his people and he has a plan for all his children  - a plan for good - not for evil. 

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