Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Joshua 16 - Ephraim's Failure God's Plan?

Just like the people of Judah, the Ephraimites were not able to drive out the people who were there be for them before they settled there.  Instead the Canaanites lived among them as their servants or slaves.  I am wondering how many of the other tribes were not able to take the cities completely?  We'll just have to keep reading... to find out...

The commentaries I have read point toward not driving out the previous owners of the land but  living with the people who previously lived there as a failure or an inability of Judah and Ephraim to run them out of the land.  But, as I noted, in a previous chapter, that God had told Joshua, who was tired, to just alot the land to the people already.  God was going to drive the people out Himself.  But, He didn't, at least not at that time.  But, then who can figure out God's timing?   

Was it a failure of the children of Israel to go in and conquer or is this all a part of God's master plan for Israel?  Who can tell... 

Who can tell?  All those things that seem like we've "missed the boat," failed; did we really fail or was it just another necessary step to get us in a direction that God wanted us to go in the first place?  Again, I remind you:  All things for the good....  But, sometimes those "all things" don't feel so good at the time...  Sometimes those good things just might feel like you've failed.  

When I look back at my own life, I regret very little.  There were some really rough times.  I do regret the harm that my bad choices may have caused others.  But, every stupid mistake I made taught me something, helped me to be who (whose) I am.  I do not regret what I learned by all my stupid mistakes.  I cannot help but thank God, for it was He who led me through that wilderness and continues to do so, as I have not quit making stupid mistakes - but live with them daily.   I have not been able to conquer my sinful nature.  With the help of God, I have been able to change a lot, but not enough to save myself from myself.  Thanks be to God, that he sent His Son to die for us overcoming the power sin had over us.  Sin doesn't get the last word - death.  Jesus gets the last word - life.   Because of him, people of every nation, shall live peaceably in the promised land, the kingdom of God, forever.

Rambling again...  Lots to do again today so mind is going in many directions... God's Peace be with you this and every day...

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