Thursday, January 26, 2012

Judges 2 - The People Bow To False Gods

Now we find out why the LORD told Joshua they didn't have to drive out all the people who inhabited Israel before them.  The LORD had left them there to test the people of Israel - to see if they would remain faithful toHim or turn to false gods.  The Israelites failed miserably.  When Joshua died, they turned away from the LORD to seek other gods. 

Remind you of anything here on earth today?  How about some churches of today?  When there is a strong leader, the people seem revived.  There is an upsurge in attendance.  There is an upsurge in activity within the congregation and community.  Unfortunately, I am not so sure that all of this (some of it is - but - not all) is faithfulness to God.  We, as Christians, have to be very cautious that we are not cultivating a personality cult within our congregations - a group of people with allegiance to the human leader or group of leaders (false gods) rather than the LORD God.  This leader does not have to be the Pastor, either.  It could be any strong member or clique in the congregation or even an entire denomination who directs (manipulates) the activities in the fore or background. 

If by some chance this leader leaves or is removed from power, the congregation has no one to follow, for in fact they have been following a false god and not the God who saved them and gives them the promised kingdom.  They have nothing and often they will leave and the church begins to die.  Only one of two things can revive this congregation:  1.  the Holy Spirit  2.  another false god steps in.   Be aware that this false god is not necessarily a false teacher.  Joshua was not a false teacher.  He was called by God.  The judges were called by God.  The leader may not even realize that the people are flocking to hear him because of his/her personality rather than their love of God.  In fact, they usually are pretty excited to see so many flock to hear the Word of God - to bow down and worship the one true God.  Hopefully, even in this, God will open the people's hearts and they will hear and believe and follow.

Anyone or anything can be a false god.  False gods don't always set themselves up to be that - people set them up to be false gods - people in search of something greater than themselves.  Money, for example, can be a powerful false god, dragging us down to some of the deepest depths that we can imagine.  However, money does not have the power to make of itself a god.  People do that - people who have strayed from serving the LORD God, who created and who sustains them. 

Will this generation follow the LORD or another god that will destroy them?  What about the next generations?  Whom will they serve?  Back to Joshua.... " for me and my household we will serve the LORD."  Joshua 24:15

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