Saturday, January 28, 2012

Judges 4 - Women As Leaders And Conquerers Of Men

Oops... So busy getting income tax stuff organized for the last 6 hours, I totally forgot about Bible Study!!

We are studying Judge Deborah today.  Remember:  that judges in Judges were more leaders and prophets (prophetesses) than judges.  They helped deliver the people after they lapsed into disobeying God.  In this case it was Deborah - yes - a woman.  Yes, one of those of the gender that some today say that God does not give leadership to.  Barak, a commander of Israel's army would not go to war against the general Sisera without this woman by his side.  And in the end, the enemy, General Sisera was put down, not by the hand of Barak, but by another woman, Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite. 

God has called women throughout history to lead His people.  He calls whom He calls. 

Back to taxes.... Pay to Caesar what is Caesar's...

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