Tuesday, April 3, 2012

2 Samuel 15 - Who is my Brother? Who is my Son?

David and Absalom's stories are sounding pretty familiar. Drama... drama... drama... Father and son fighting, mother and daughter fighting, familes fight... There comes a point that they that maybe they should recognize that if all they are going to do is conspire against each other and fight they should separate.

Recap: Absalom had laid in wait for just the right moment to kill his brother who raped his sister. He ran from his father's presence to escape his possible rather. David later accepted Absalom back into the family.

And it seems immediately, Absalom begins plotting to take over his father's kingdom. And now, David is on the run, with his household. But, he's not really separating himself from all the chaos. He's plotting too. He's sending spies back into the city so that he will be able to know how to take it back. I can see it all now, another battle, more drama.

Finding yourself in another battle with your family? Drama getting a bit much, again? There is only one way to do without it. Step outside of the drama. Do not allow yourself to be drawn into the games that have nothing to do with our Father's will, only the self-serving of others. You're not going to change how others play. But, you don't have to play if you really don't want to. Sometimes, though, that will mean stepping way outside of the circle of family.

Jesus told the people around him: "Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” (Matt 12:48-50 NIV)

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