Sunday, April 8, 2012

2 Samuel 20 - Warrior King and Prince of Peace

Amasa is finished. Joab takes care of that. Joab is in charge once again - no question about that. Amasa is dead.

Sheba is also dead. The rebellion is over (I wonder for how long). A wise woman had the people in the city take his head and throw it over the wall to Joab in order to avoid having the city taken by Joab and his army.

David's reign has been up-to-date quite full of rebellion, of trickery and treachery, of warfare. King David has certainly not reigned the people in peace. Yet, David is the LORD's chosen. And.. the LORD restores the throne to David reminding us of God's promise to raise up, through David, a son, who would be the everylasting Prince of Peace. That promise has been fulfilled.

It is Easter morning. He is Risen! Our King reigns!

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