Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Isaiah 13 - Day Of The Lord's Wrath

Babylon will be overthrown. Isaiah's prophecies, up to now, have centered on God's people. But, not any more. The LORD's wrath is to come upon those who are not His people. Babylon is to be destroyed.

This day, of the LORD's wrath, is too horrible to imagine. I cannot begin to imagine the horrible vision that Isaiah saw that prompted this prophecy and I do not want to. This message, I imagine, would bring a sense of comfort to God's people, knowing that God would act against their enemies. But, at the same, time would be a reminder to His people that if He would act against those who were not His people, who did not listen to Him; how would He deal with those who were His people and turned their backs on Him as the pagans did?

God is not to be mocked or taken for granted. God is God. He will protect and care for those who love Him. Even in the awesome (awful) day of His wrath, He will be with you. In that day, may He be for you and not against you.

God's Peace - Pr. J

P.S. Sorry, not a pretty picture today. But, if you read chapter 13 of Isaiah, you will find that the day of His wrath is not a pretty picture.

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