Saturday, August 24, 2013

Jeremiah 46 - I Will Not Make An End Of You!

"As for you, have no fear, my servant Jacob,
says the Lord,
    for I am with you.
I will make an end of all the nations
    among which I have banished you,
    but I will not make an end of you!
I will chastise you in just measure,
    and I will by no means leave you unpunished." (Jer 46:28 NIV)

Have no fear, for the LORD is with you. He will chastise you as a good Father chastises his children who have gone astray, but He will not leave you. He will not make an end of you. He will be with you always.

Every now and then I have these recurring dreams about a government take-over, including last night. No, the people don't rebel and take over the government. The people allow the government to take over every aspect of their lives. We allow the government to micro-manage the lives of everyone, everywhere. The government chooses who will eat and what and they will eat; they will dictate who works what jobs; who will get what health care and who is not fruitful enough to live; when, where and who we can worship. All this will be done on a merit system depending on how loyal we are to powers that be. How will the government monitor all these things of every individual? With the radically moving and changing electronic age, it will not be a problem. How much do we let others know about us via our computers and GPS systems and all the other ways they have access into individual lives?  

Now, I know that these dreams stem from having read and studied with too those who have some fantastic interpretations of a coming apocalypse according to scripture; with those who take the Book of John's Revelation literally. But, the ideas have been planted in my mind and they rear their heads in dreams every now and then. When I am fully awake, I am able to lean on the promises of God; no matter what happens; even if I chastise you, I will not make an end of you. Have no fear, the LORD is with you.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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