Thursday, August 29, 2013

Jeremiah 51 - Climbing Towers or Ladders

Jeremiah continues prophesying the destruction of Babylon. Babylon will fall!

Just a little (very little) history: Babylon had its beginnings as a small town which grew to a city state. She is considered by many to be the site of the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1) Babylon indeed fell. Her ruins can be found in southern Iraq (although there are those who say they are someplace in Syria).

This city state continued to aspire to rise to the heavens. No, they did not attempt to build another tower reaching the heavens like the tower of Babel. They attempted to aspire to the heavens by being their owns god and the god of people of other peoples. They attempted to put themselves before God, which no one can. Sure, we can try. We can worship false gods. We can attempt to be our own gods. But, it is impossible to be God. We are not Him. We can attempt to be Him; but, we will not succeed. We are not God. We will fall as surely as Babylon fell.

Doesn't matter how well we fortify our homes, our cities, our states... those who desire and aspire to reach the heavens and replace God will fall. One, day they will fall. But, for those who receive the living God who is not in a far off place which we have to climb ladders or mountains or towers to reach; those who receive the living God who lowered Himself in that He came down to earth to live among us and die for us; those who receive Him, will live eternal life in His Kingdom, in His presence.

Those who aspire to climb that tower or ladder will miss the very presence of God, the Spirit of Christ, among us, even now.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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