Monday, March 31, 2014

Mark 14:1-11 - Get Rid of Him; Betray Him

Mark 14:1-11 NIV
Get rid of them! Yep! That's what you do if you don't like the way someone is or does something. Get rid of them!

Not every who was present when the woman anointed Jesus' head with expensive perfume appreciated Jesus' allowing her to do that. What a waste of money! Judas, as the treasurer, was especially not happy about it. So what did Judas do? He plotted to get rid of him. Jesus did not act or do exactly like Judas thought he ought to be behaving so he went behind Jesus' back and betrayed him.

How often we see this happen! When those whom we have entrusted with leadership positions in the church or community make choices that we would not make, how often are their plots to be rid of them? From what I hear and see, it happens more often than we'd like to think. Don't like what the Pastor or Council or other leaders in the church do because it's not exactly like we want it and we plot to be rid of them.

Jesus did not usually act like society would expect him to. What makes people think that his followers; his servants would act like society expects them to?

Jesus was pretty generous in accepting people as they were and are. I often hear that he was not judgmental. But, how judgmental are we when we refuse to accept Jesus and his followers as they are?

God's Peace - Pr. J

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