Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Mark 7 - Judgments

Sometimes, judgments are made about others. They do this or they do that thing which they ought not do. Sometimes, we judge others by what they neglect to do; like the washing of the hands before they eat. Jesus makes it pretty clear that we often misunderstand the law.

We often judge others by our own misunderstanding of who or maybe what someone is. (Just maybe they are a child of God - you think?) Jesus makes it pretty clear that he discerns things in a way most of us do not. The religious leaders all thought he should be about them, about the temple and about the law. But, here we have Jesus serving pagan gentiles! Oh, my! He exorcises the Syrophoenician woman's daughter and heals the deaf man from Decapolis.

The religious leaders come to judge him; while the gentiles come, in faith, to be delivered from their infirmities. What a loss those religious leaders suffered by not being as open to accepting Jesus as he was in accepting others.

May God grant that we would, rather than question the faith of others, treat them as Jesus would.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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