Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Romans 4 Abraham Justified By Faith Alone

Romans 4 NIV
There is nothing in the world that we can do to earn the promise of salvation. Not a thing! It is by faith alone, in the Son of God who gave Himself for us, that we receive this gift of life.

No matter how hard we try; no matter how well our good intentions; without faith we have nothing. Paul reminds us that it was Abraham's faith that was credited to him as righteous. Abraham's faith was not based on something that he already had or did. His faith was based purely on a promise from God. Abraham believed God and he was counted righteous for that faith. He trusted God! Because he trusted Him; Abraham was willing to do God's will no matter what it was.

It is as simple (and maybe as complicated) as that. Trust the Lord with all your heart and soul and you will know and receive the promise of eternal life in His Kingdom; in His presence.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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