Sunday, September 18, 2011


Exodus 26

More details in the planning and the making...  God is very specific about the way the Israelites should make and create the tabernacle.  I know that sometimes I drive people a bit crazy with my wanting to know details...  Somethings are not necessary for me to know, as long as someone knows what they are.  For instance, we are planning a fall color tour in the Huron Mountains and two of the men from the congregation are planning on leading it.  I need to know some of the details so that I can relay the information on to those who might want to join us.  But, I don't need to know all the details because I trust them and for that wilderness journey they are more capable than I.  When we built the addition on the church, I did not know all of the details.  Even if I knew them, I would not have understood them and could not have made good decisions regarding the building.  I had to trust that the Council President would know and understand the details.  He did.  But, there are somethings I need to know the details on.  I need to know the details for Worship Services.  Since I'm leading, if there is to be special music, I need to know or I'll just keep on talking or praying right through the place where that's suppose to happen.  I need to know the details for any plans anyone has to add something to Worship.  I need to know that it is appropriate so I can decide whether it's going to even be done during a Worship Service.  When my granddaughter asks to go someplace, I need to know details to know that she is going to be safe.  I need to know where and when and who she's going to be with.  Details are a part of our life.  Sometimes they can bog us down, but in many cases we really need to spend some time looking at details.  Sometimes if for no reason other than to count the cost.

God is very specific in how he wants this tent made.  In this tent is the holiest of holies.  It is where he will come to Moses and talk to him.  In later generations, only the High Priest could enter.  Outside the holiest of holies is the holy place.  The others can enter here.  They bring their offerings to God in the holy place.  Moses passes on to the Israelites what he has heard from God in the holiest of holies in the holy place.  There is a curtain between these two holy places to separate God from the people.  It is in the tabernacle in Jerusalem generations later that the curtain between the holy place and holiest of holy places was torn in two at the death of Jesus.  Often, I have heard that at the tearing of this curtain, it was opened that we sinners could enter into the holiest of holy places.  I believe this to be true.  But, I believe something else happened as well.  When Jesus breathed his last breath and that curtain separating us from God was torn in two, God did not leave us, his kingdom broke forth - he broke forth from behind the temple curtain to dwell with humankind - all of humankind - not just the priests or the high priests - but all people. 

Think about this too, when Jesus was baptized, the heavens were ripped open and the Holy Spirit descended upon him in the form of a dove.  Ripped is the same word used both at the baptism and at the tearing of the curtain.  It was ripped or torn and God came forth.  It's not just when we enter into the holiest of holies that God is with us, but God is in the world, no matter where you are.  God is no longer separated from His people.  That's the way I see it...  This subject I have talked long about in many ways, but for now this is suppose to be brief to give you something to think about and doesn't afford the time or space for too many specific details.  Think about these things and more.  See you at Worship today!

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