Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dedication Offerings

Numbers 7

The altar has been annointed, the dedication offerings brought before the Lord, and the Lord speaks to Moses in the tent of the meeting from above the mercy seat on the ark of the covenant. 

When I look at the dedication offerings of the 12 tribes, I am absolutely amazed at their willingness to give so abundantly.  Our budget committee came together yesterday to work out a budget for 2012.  Overall we decreased the budget.  We agonized over the fact that there would be no increases in benevolence.  We agonized over many things.  Understanding that we are economically depressed today, it is still a tough pill to swallow (at least for me) that any congregation that is dedicated to the Lord would have such a hard time making ends meet.  It is a tough pill to swallow as I am quite aware that we are not as economically depressed as some would have us believe.  I personally see it as more like we are really spoiled and God does not get our first fruits.  I know the people well enough to know who or what gets the first-fruits.  Sometimes, we want what we want and God gets the left-overs if there are any.  There are many faithful givers in the congregation.  Without them, there would be no congregation of the saints here in this place.  There does need to be a place where people can gather to hear God promises, to teach God's children, to fellowship.  There are days (like when I'm informed paying bills after one more Sunday rather than when they are normally paid) when I just want to give up the pastoral presence and move over to a more prophetic presence.  That would probably not be too good, either.  But, it is a serious temptation...

Our stewardship is a sign of our spiritual well being. Where our treasure is, there is our heart. (Matt 6:21) Where is your treasure?  Where is your heart?  Who or what is your first love?  It is kind of scary to think that after so many years as professed Christians we are willing to give so little to the service of a God who gave us so much - who gave us our very lives. 

May God help us all to dedicate ourselves to be better stewards of the gifts He has given us.  When He speaks to us, may God have mercy.

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