Friday, March 2, 2012

1 Samuel 13 - Waiting for Clergy

Lots to think about in today's chapter. This having to wait around for Samuel makes me just a little uncomfortable. In my own congregation, I know that if I were to be late, they would begin worship without me. They were trained by the Pastor before me to do that. They were at one time a two-point Parish and sometimes the Pastor got delayed. I think, that I have always made it on time, sometimes it was a close one, but always made it. There have also been times when we have had pulpit supply and the clergy either forgot (Wednesday Lent Services) or got lost since we're so remote. When and if the clergy show up, they take over from wherever the congregation is. The congregation here just has this idea that worship doesn't depend on me or any other clergy. They are correct. If we're late or forget - it should still happen - with or without us.

When the Finnish congregations in the mid-west of this country were first formed by immigrants, many worship services were lay led. Some parishes had 5 and 6 and even more congregations. The few clergy could not be everywhere. I believe it is the same in Russia (I mention this because I know that there are a few hits every day to this blog from Russia). It has been about 10 years since I was able to visit some of the Russian congregations, but I do recall that some were lay led because of lack of clergy. Mission, evangelism, spreading the good news of the kingdom is what all members of the Body of Christ are called to do. It is good to have clergy to lead us, but you can't wait for us to show up when something needs doing - when the Gospel needs proclaiming - when the people are gathered and desire to bring their offerings of praise and thanksgiving to the LORD.

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