Saturday, March 24, 2012

2 Samuel 5

Here's the first heading in this chapter: "David Anointed King of Israel."

My memory is poor but not that poor... Did not God, through Samuel, anoint David as king over Israel way back in 1 Samuel 16?

So what's with these people, that they did not believe it and accept David as king then? Why did David and Saul have to fight so many years in order for the people - all of the people - accept David as king? Was God's word through his prophet Samuel not enough? Was the Spirit of the LORD rushing upon David and being removed from Saul not enough? Did Saul and Abner and oh so many others really have to die for the people to finally accept David as the king that God had chosen for them?

In the church in order to have a call, we must first be called by God and then that is to be verified by the people whom we are called to serve. Well, all I can think this morning is that it sure has taken the people a long time and a lot of people had to die to verify David's call by God.

Soften our hearts, LORD, that we might receive all whom you send to serve. Soften our hearts, LORD, so that our own dreams and goals don't thwart the mission of your servants.

BTW - they are still fighting for property and power...

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