Saturday, March 3, 2012

1 Samuel 14 - Rash Vows

Most of us have made them - vows in haste - vows made without thinking. But, what was Saul thinking? He declares a fast for this multitude of men and threatens them with a curse if they break it! Maybe, the new found authority and power he had went to his head as he didn't bother to think that somone among these people would break it without thinking.

The LORD's hand is with Jonathan as he overthrows the band of Philistines. Yet, Jonathan is condemned by his own father's rash vow. Thanks be to God - the people interceded for Jonathan and "ransomed" him so that he was allowed to live. We too have been condemned by the rash words of our lips. Yet, there is one who intercedes for us. Thanks be to God - for Jesus the Christ who on the cross ransomed himself for us; who died that we might live.

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