Sunday, August 5, 2012

Ezra 4 - Adversaries

Whenever anyone tries to build something for the good of the people, it seems that there is always someone who is trying to stop growth.  A lot of times it is simply because of jealousy or personal greed or even the fear that someone will become stronger, more powerful than them, and not support them any longer. 

The adversaries of Judah and Benjamin tried and tried to stop the building of the temple and they finally succeeded thanks to their plying King Artaxerxes of Persia with the fear that he would lose power and authority over the released exiles.

It is troubling.  Instead of working together for the good of all people; we often find ourselves struggling to defend the work that we do.  A lot of time is wasted as we go forward and then find ourselves falling back as we take the time to answer and defend the reasons we were going forward in the first place. 

Adversaries surround us, trying to infiltrate, as did the adversaries in our lesson tried to infiltrate to sabotage the building of the temple.  In fact, in the whole visible church on earth, the adversary has infiltrated and we need to be on guard against those who would teach us to go in another way than we are directed by the Word.  That does not mean we have to throw them out, but rather we need to have patience and love as we teach them a better way; rather, than accept their false teachings.

I am mostly thinking of some of the so called "New Age" teachings that are so prevalent in the church today.  There are many things that are taught that absolutely are not what Christ taught, but so many refuse to read their Bibles, refuse to attend worship to hear the Word regularly, that people simply do not know the truth.  Unfortunately, the consequence of this has been to replace the one true God, with lesser gods.  And... the sad thing is that so many don't even realize they have done this. 

May God help us to stand fast in the truth and follow in the way He would have us go.  And... Please attend worship wherever you are this morning!  Hear His Word!

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