Monday, August 6, 2012

Ezra 5, 6 - Confess

Hopefully, you all are actually reading the chapters as they come up each day!  There is so much in each one and I only hit on maybe one or two points that catch my attention.

And... that one thing for today is the fact that the people of God acknowledge that it was due to their own sin that they lost the temple and were sent into exile in the first place.

Such a novel idea... confessing one sins!  How many public confessions or admissions have you heard lately?  Actually, admitting or acknowledging that we have sinned and responsible for our own troubles is a very good step to recovery, to healing and wholeness.  It makes us take a good look at ourselves so that we can change things in our lives, so that our lives and the lives of the people around us can be live more fully in God's presence. 

Acknowleding that it was by their own sin that the trouble had come to them was what those ancient people of God did.  And... what happened?  King Darius gave them permission to continue rebuilding the temple.  He also promised that any of the adversaries that try to interfere with the rebuilding of the temple would be stopped and stopped quickly by hanging them from a gallows made from their own homes.

Rather than complain about the circumstances of our lives, may we always remember to confess our sins and turn to the LORD worshipping Him above all things. 

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