Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Nehemiah 5

Nehemiah, the governor...  Well, I didn't catch that, previously.  The alarm didn't go off this morning and I have about 10 minutes left to finish this before I head for Minnesota so don't have time to go back and see how or why I missed it. 

1% interest!  I think today most of us would think that would be quite the deal!  However, the people were very poor.  They were in the midst of a famine.  They were selling their daughters into slavery so that they could eat.  Nehemiah puts a stop to usury.  With compassion, he leads the people, in their endeavor to rebuild the wall. 

The ways of that world, long ago, are strange to me.  But, then the ways of todays world seem quite strange, as well.  People will pay up to 19% interest for things that will not sustain life; for televisions and electronics, for name brand stuff!  This done, while the children go hungry - hungry for food that will sustain their bodies and for food that will sustain their souls - the bread of life, Jesus the Christ.

When will it end?  Most of us probably cannot imagine selling our children so that we might live.  But, in the end maybe that is what has been done to a large degree.  Have we not given our children and their care over to the world so that we might have the time to indulge our own self-interests?  Just saying... It's only Tuesday and I have seen enough in the first two days of this week to be quite tired of the way the world cares for and brings up children.  If we sell them (give them) to the world, shouldn't we expect them to grow up in the ways of the world? 

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