Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Psalm 101 - The Wicked Silenced

"Every morning I will put to silence all the wicked in the land; I will cut off every evildoer from the city of the Lord." (Psalm 101:8 NIV)

The LORD is tired of the evil that people do to one another.  He promises to put an end to the evil.  I pray that those who are unjustly persecuted will find relief in Him.   It is a sad state that so many have to endure injustices by others who simply like to do injustice, who simply like to harass and bully others, whether it is in the school systems or in a job.  It is just plain crazy that this happens.  Can you imagine going to work and being able to do your job well, because no one is harassing you.  There are a lot of people in this country and world who live under these circumstances and it kind balloons out on us.  Someone makes you miserable and since you're miserable others around you end up being miserable, as well.  Seems like it is just human nature.  But, when will it stop?  When will the greed, selfishness, the self-centeredness stop?  When will the anger and hatred stop?  When will the unjust back-stabbing stop?  I guess, the best answer to that is when God will put a stop to it.  Humankind doesn't seem capable of loving, of caring.

It just amazes me that people don't get that if people treated one another with open minds and justice, we'd all live a little better.  The sad thing is that so many in our governments as well as the public sector claim to be Christian.  Do they not know that it is the faithful, those who do not do wicked and deceitful things to our neighbors, that will live in God's presence, in His House, His Kingdom?

And... if there is to be vengeance for the ill done to you, trust that to the hands of God. He promises to cause the wicked to be silent.  You will only help wickedness to grow in this world and in your own life, by thinking that vengeance belongs to you. The LORD is just, trust in Him to defend and deliver us.  Trust your lives to His hands. 

Speak no evil of your neighbor. Do not persecute him. Rather, spend your days, singing God's praises; singing of His love and justice.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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