Monday, January 28, 2013

Psalm 107 - Genuine Love Endures Forever

If you find yourself in a dark place, alone and without love, cry out to the LORD and He will deliver you from your distress.  And... when he does, tell your story that others might hear and believe. Tell your story that others might turn to the LORD for their deliverance, for their redemption.

By the blood of Christ, you have been redeemed.  Why is that so difficult to believe?  Maybe, because so many refuse to hear His promises?  Maybe because so many refuse to turn from the ways of the world and turn to the path the LORD sets before them? 

Quit wandering aimlessly in the desert wastelands!  Step out of the darkness into His marvelous light! Turn from your rebellious ways and bask in his unfailing love for you! Bask in that light of love! Share that love of God with others so that they, too, may live in His peace.

The world is not a happy place.  Actually, there a lot of people running around pretending to be happy. But, sadly inside where man cannot see, there is a loneliness, a lovelessness that dwells within the heart.

Humankind has have a very bad habit of seeking momentary pleasures. We seek superficial love that passes quickly and costs us much. It costs us our relationships with God and genuinely loving relationship with one another. There is only One to whom we can turn to know genuine love.  That One whose love is genuine and never-failing is the LORD, our God, who on the cross redeemed us and made us His own.

"Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; his love endures forever." (Psalm 107:1)

God's Peace - Pr. J

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