Monday, February 4, 2013

Psalm 114 - A Rock Has More Sense Than We?

I cannot help but wonder, why humankind does not have enough sense to tremble at the presence of the Lord; the earth did. When Israel came out of Egypt the sea saw and fled, the river Jordan turned back, but humankind has not the foresight to know that God is God. At the hand of God, water can spring forth from a rock, but people, refuse the water. People refuse the Word that can bring eternal life; that brings real and abundant life.
Huron River at Million Dollar Bridge, Arvon Township, MI
Just makes no sense to me that anyone would follow after false gods. But, sadly, there is nothing I can do to change that. Only God can change people. Only God can lead people out of bondage to their false gods. But, He has given you free-will.  Choose ye this day, whom you will serve: the one who keeps you in bondage or the One and only One who can free you.

There is something, though, that I can do, that I am called to do. It is what the LORD calls all of His disciples to do; that is to proclaim the Good News of His Kingdom is open to all people through Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit.  So, no, even if the message offends you, I will not stop proclaiming. Just as you deem it your right to proclaim a false gospel, a path that leads to destruction; I will proclaim the truth of the Kingdom of God. There is only one way to that Kingdom.  Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, no one goes to the Father, but by Him. (John 14:5 NIV)

God has shaken the mountains. He has dominion over the sea. He has dominion over all things. If the earth will bow down and worship Him, then why is it so difficult for humankind to see that God is Supereme. Does a rock or a river have more sense than we?

God's Peace - Pr. J.

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