Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Psalm 115 - Tear Down Those False Gods!

It's been one of those weeks, no months. I was up at 2 a.m. this morning. Tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't, so here I am, thinking and writing.

Anyone remember the name Carrie Nation? She was the hatchet lady from the temperance movement in the 1900's. She went around destroying saloons with a hatchet. Carrie believed that these "false god's" were destroying the country.

Even though she is an intriguing character from America's history, I'm not advocating following Carrie Nation's lead. In all reality she probably was mentally ill. She never attacked people, but she was really luck no one got hurt or even killed.

Anyone remember what Moses did to that golden calf, that Aaron had created for the people, when Moses came down from the mountain after receiving the ten commandments from God?  Yes, he destroyed it. There were a few prophets and kings who did a bit of destruction to the false idols that people built. They believed God's word that these things were leading them away from the good things, the good life, that God wanted them to receive.

My point this morning is that maybe we should consider how it is our false gods are destroying this country. I woke up this morning thinking of all the damage that alcohol, drugs, and gambling have done in the lives of people I care about.  There are other false gods, such as gold and silver, social status, fame, self, etc.. Just about anything in this world, even if it is a good thing, can become a false god, when it begins to be the center of our lives.  Temperance actually means moderation, not abstinance. But, if something cannot be enjoyed in moderation, than abstinance would be a real good idea. Making things our gods is a bad idea and will lead to destruction rather than living an abundant life.  You'd be surprised how pleasant real life, lived in and with Christ, actually is.

I see so much misery around me. When I am called for emergency pastoral care, other than for the sick and dying, it normally has something to do with one of these three false gods: drugs, alcohol, or gambling.  There are times when I am asked to help someone financially because of unemployment or sickness or just a case of stuff happened beyond their control and they need emergency aid. That is one of the things the church (and Christians) on earth does. But,  most of the time the problems are related to one of these three: alcohol, drugs, gambling.

Every now and then, someone will mention how blessed my life seems to be. They can't seem to figure out why that would be. I am not rich, by any stretch of the imagination. I'll tell you my secret, because it is no secret, as the songs goes, what God can do.

I try my utmost to stay away from the false gods that lead to destruction. Sure, I am tempted. But, I stay away. I stay away because I want life. I like the life that God gives me in His presence.

I remember Carrie Nation. She was a zealot, for sure. But, sometimes, as I watch the pain and suffering caused by these false gods, I cannot help but smile as I think of her dedication (maybe mis-directed) to remove the false gods from our lives.

It's up to us, not Carrie Nation, not even Moses, to remove the false gods from our own lives. I say this out of love, not judgment: Tear them down! For your own sake, tear them down! Worship and give praise to the one true God, the only God, who can give you life and life abundant, here in this world and the Kingdom to come.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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