Monday, February 25, 2013

Psalm 135 - Praise Ye The LORD!

Praise ye the LORD!  Going through the psalms - one psalm - one day at a time - has kind of been depressing for me. It has been, so far 135 days remembering how good the LORD is and how very absent He is from so many lives around me.  Not that He wants to be absent.  Unless, we are in some sort of major crisis then many of us simply don't want to hear from Him.  We don't want Him around watching our every move. 'Cause our moves are not so great...

Sadly, to many God is only a judge. He is forgotten as the creator and giver of all things.  He is forgotten as the genuine and only Savior of our souls, of our lives, when we're busy doing what we want to do no matter who it might hurt. He is forgotten on our daily journeys through life, until....  we really mess up and need his power to save us. Sadly, our eyes do not see; our ears do not hear anything, but what we want them to.

Remember, all that He has done for you, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and give thanks.  It seems humankind really has hard time remembering and realizing the fullness of God and that is sad. He is more than a judge. He is more than a Savior. He is more than a creator. He is all these things, but God is way more. He is a sublime example of gestalt.

Praise ye the LORD!

God's Peace - Pr. J

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