Sunday, September 29, 2013

Ezeliel 25 - Trouble Begets Trouble

So when your enemies falls it probably not a good thing to laugh about it.

Israel is in trouble for their sins against God. But, so are all those enemies of Israel. Seems like everyone is in trouble. Trouble begets trouble?

Actually, from experience, I am thinking that is probably a good thing to avoid trouble. I am not saying all conflict is bad. Some conflict can be very good especially when it corrects an injustice or reproves a sin so that the person confronted has the opportunity to change his/her ways for the better. We can rejoice if they are returned to the LORD. But, we do not laugh or rejoice when an enemy falls. It's a good thing not to stir up trouble for trouble may come back to haunt you.

May God help us to learn to love our enemies so that we might engage in more fruitful discourses with them.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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